Advanced Investment

Advanced Investment Strategies: Asset Allocations and Portfolio Rebalancing

According to a study by the Investment Company Institute, investors who rebalanced their portfolios every 18 months earned an average annual return of 5.1% over the 20 years ending in 2015.

A 2018 study found that an allocation strategy consisting of 60 percent stocks and 40 percent bonds can earn up to 1 percentage point more per year than the traditional stock/bond asset allocation model.

Morningstar research shows that investors who use traditional investment models like Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) have seen returns decrease by 0.5% annually.

Advancement in asset allocation has made it possible for investors to use specialized techniques to tailor their investments and work towards maximum gains with minimum risk.

Investment plays a crucial role in the success of a business, and advanced investment strategies can help investors maximize returns while minimizing risk. These strategies include tactical asset allocation, hedge fund investing, proactive portfolio management, and diversification and hedging techniques.

Understanding the different investment strategies available allows you to create a customized plan that meets your specific goals and needs.

A recent study found that asset allocation and rebalancing can account for as much as 90% of the variance in portfolio returns.

In this article, we will discuss how advancement in asset allocation can be used to optimize returns and manage risk effectively.

Investment Role in Business:

Investment plays a crucial role in the success of a business. It involves allocating financial resources, such as capital and assets, to projects or opportunities expected to generate a return. Investment helps businesses to expand, improve operations, and develop new products or services. It also allows companies to diversify their operations, reducing risk and increasing stability.

Now that you better understand the role investment plays in business, it’s time to explore some advanced investment strategies. Advancement in asset allocation has made it possible for investors to use specialized techniques to tailor their investments and work towards maximum gains with minimum risk. Understanding the different investment strategies available allows you to create a customized plan that meets your specific goals and needs.

Advanced Investment Strategies

Advanced investment strategies are a set of techniques investors use to maximize returns and minimize risk. As the world becomes more connected and technology advances, understanding these strategies is essential for any investor in 2023.

Benefits of advanced investment strategies

Advanced investment strategies, such as algorithmic and quantitative investing, offer the potential to generate superior returns while mitigating risk. Advanced strategies can also provide investors with the ability to diversify their portfolios and access a wider range of asset classes.

They allow for greater flexibility in terms of trading strategy, allowing investors to respond quickly to market conditions. This is beneficial because it allows investors to capture gains more efficiently than they would be able to do through traditional investments.

Moreover, advanced strategies can allow for a higher degree of customization. This is especially advantageous during market volatility, when investors may need to adjust their portfolios quickly to mitigate losses and capitalize on opportunities.

Finally, with an advanced strategy, investors can take advantage of sophisticated software tools that help them analyze data and make informed decisions. This can provide investors with a decisive edge in making successful investments.

Now that you understand the benefits of advanced investment strategies, let us explore advanced strategies.

1.   Dynamic Asset Allocation

Dynamic Asset Allocation is a modern investment strategy that allows investors to adjust their portfolios according to market conditions and economic data.

It focuses on capitalizing on short-term opportunities by continually analyzing and adjusting the asset class allocations to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Dynamic Asset Allocation requires investors to identify the various market cycles and then allocate funds accordingly. For instance, when markets are bearish, investors should allocate more funds towards fixed-income and defensive stocks or bonds. Conversely, investors can shift some of their money into equities and other asset classes when the market is bullish.

One common approach to asset allocation is to use a strategic asset allocation, which involves determining the target allocation of assets in your portfolio based on your financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. For example, suppose you have a long-term investment horizon and a high tolerance for risk. In that case, you might allocate a larger portion of your portfolio to stocks, which have the potential for higher returns but also come with greater volatility.

2.   Portfolio Rebalancing:

Portfolio rebalancing is an investment strategy that involves adjusting the asset allocations in a portfolio to maintain the desired risk-return profile. This technique helps investors maintain their targeted asset allocations by periodically selling assets with higher weightings and buying assets with lower weightings.

This can help keep the portfolios balanced and protect them from any sudden market downturns. Over time, the value of different assets in your portfolio may change, which can cause your portfolio to become unbalanced.

For example, if the value of your stock investments increases significantly, they may represent a larger portion of your portfolio than you had intended. Rebalancing your portfolio involves selling some of the assets that have increased in value and using the proceeds to buy more of the assets that have decreased in value, thereby bringing your portfolio back in line with your target allocation.

Rebalancing your portfolio regularly can help you maintain a diversified portfolio and potentially reduce risk. It can also help you stay disciplined and avoid the temptation to chase short-term performance.

3.   Alternative assets:

Alternative assets are non-traditional investments such as real estate, hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, and commodities. These assets provide an opportunity to diversify investment portfolios beyond traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. Alternative assets generally have a low correlation with the rest of the stock market and can act as a hedge against market volatility.

Alternative assets offer a chance to diversify away from the traditional markets while providing the potential for higher returns than those seen in stocks, bonds, and cash. However, these investments require advanced knowledge of the asset classes and the associated risks.

4.   Tactical asset allocation

Tactical Asset Allocation is a strategy that involves altering the portfolio’s allocation to take advantage of short-term opportunities in different markets. This approach allows investors to adjust their portfolios to capitalize on price fluctuations without taking too much risk.

5.   Factor-Based Investment

Factor-Based Investment is an advanced investment strategy focusing on specific characteristics of stocks or other assets to generate returns. This approach involves selecting investments based on measurable factors such as price-to-earnings ratios, debt-to-equity ratios, and dividend yields. The idea behind this strategy is that by focusing on certain characteristics, investors can make more informed investments that have the potential to outperform the market.

Example: In the discussion of factor-based investment strategies, where investments are selected based on specific characteristics such as price-to-earnings ratios and dividend yields, an example to consider is monitoring the Telstra Share Price. Analyzing Telstra’s performance on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) can provide insights into how telecommunications sector stocks are faring, which is crucial for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on sector-specific trends.

6.   Market Cycles Investment

Investing Around Market Cycles is a more advanced strategy that involves focusing on the market cycles to make investment decisions. Unlike factor-based investing, this approach does not include any selection criteria and is instead centered around understanding and taking advantage of the cyclical nature of markets. By studying how different sectors, asset classes, or markets behave during different cycles, investors can gain insight into how to position their portfolios best.

This strategy requires a deep understanding of market cycles and identifying opportunities that may exist at any stage of the cycle. Investors can increase their returns by investing around market cycles while minimizing risk.

This approach is only suitable for some investors and requires significant research and analysis to be successful. Additionally, market cycles are unpredictable and can change quickly, so investors must remain vigilant in monitoring and adjusting their strategies accordingly.

Advanced investment strategies for specific situations

Some advanced strategies can be employed in specific situations for investors looking to take their portfolios to the next level.

These strategies aren’t for everyone, but they can make sense if you clearly understand your risk profile and goals.

  • Overweighting is when you put a higher percentage of your portfolio into an asset class than is typically recommended. This can make sense if you’re confident in the performance of that asset class and feel like it could outperform the rest of the market.
  • Sector rotation: This involves moving some or all of your portfolio into specific market sectors, such as technology or healthcare. This is often done based on market conditions and the expected performance of different sectors over time.
  • Leverage investing: Here, you borrow money to purchase investments with a higher return potential than the cost of borrowing. This can be a great way to maximize returns, but it also comes with additional risks.

These strategies should only be used if you truly understand them and feel comfortable taking on increased risk in pursuit of higher returns. As always, talk to your financial advisor before making any decisions that could impact your finances.


Advanced investment strategies can offer investors opportunities to increase their returns and manage risk more effectively. However, these strategies can be complex and require a deep understanding of the markets to be successful. It is important for investors to carefully evaluate each strategy before deciding if it is right for them.

Additionally, investors should consult a financial professional before making any significant changes to their portfolio. By taking the time to understand advanced investment strategies and how they could benefit your portfolio, you can increase your return while minimizing risk.

Good luck with your investing journey!

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